Geschrieben am 22.12.2022
von Stanlay Forker

When you sign up for LinkedIn, you want to draw attention to yourself due to your career. You also create a LinkedIn post for this purpose. This should of course be designed correctly so that you can achieve your goal. In this guide, we want to give you information that you can use for your new LinkedIn post to accelerate your career. You'll learn about the possible post formats and the difference between article and post. We also tell you how many characters a LinkedIn post should have and what a good one should look like. What is a LinkedIn article and how long should it be? How do the stories work on LinkedIn? You'll also get tips on the stories.

Post formats on LinkedIn

LinkedIn posts with text

Texts on LinkedIn enjoy great popularity and reach. It’s best to share your stories and information there.

LinkedIn posts with pictures

Posts with images have a lower reach, but help you when you want to visually point something out. You use a LinkedIn post of this kind when photos make more sense.

LinkedIn posts with links

Fewer users use a LinkedIn post with links. They are recommended for recap posts. If you want to make others aware of more content, use a LinkedIn post with links.

LinkedIn posts with video

Your LinkedIn post with video is ideal for showing others who you are. It’s also good if you’re planning an interview or you want to meet with partners. The video in the LinkedIn post should only take a few minutes. Show others what a network is.

Posts are low in rank. In addition, dealing with it is complicated. You can include complete content in such a LinkedIn post, because formatting, links, images, and videos are in good hands there. Take a look at the posts as an example to see how it works. Be aware that good content always has a positive effect. That’s why you always focus on optimizing your content. Then the opportunity rises to commitment.

LinkedIn articles
Everyone wants to be successful. The LinkedIn articles also help you to strengthen your brand. When you write good stories, you can optimize your reputation. What did you do recently that you can wrap into a story? However, you shouldn’t look arrogant or better than you actually are. Prefer to formulate your LinkedIn post as if you were answering interview questions. Less is more here.

Slider Carousel Mail
A slider carousel post is simply a slide show. Choose a maximum of ten images for your LinkedIn post and put them online. Users can now view them by swiping through them.

What is the difference between a post and an article on LinkedIn?
You can create your LinkedIn post as a post or an article. Wondering what makes the two different? It’s the character length. An article contains much more information than a normal LinkedIn post. A post is merely an update of the status.

With a LinkedIn post, you can therefore inform your partners what news you have or what is currently of interest to you.

How many characters should a LinkedIn post have?
You need to pay attention to every LinkedIn post whether you’re creating it for desktop readers or mobile readers. The space on the PC is larger horizontally. Therefore, you should adjust the number of characters. The break does not take up any characters. You will receive a recommendation for the number of characters you can use in your LinkedIn post.

For the PC, you can create posts including attachments that are three lines long and contain up to 270 characters, including spaces. Posts without attachments span five lines and contain a maximum of 400 characters including spaces.

Posts for mobile devices with attachments span three lines and contain about 135 characters. A LinkedIn post without an attachment goes over five lines and contains approximately 225 characters.

What makes a good LinkedIn post?
A good LinkedIn post relates to your company profile. It should have a positive and professional impact on your readers. Here, the headline and profile photo harmonize well with each other. Your branding should be consistent while finding information about you or the company quickly and easily. You should draw attention to your brand’s personality.

A LinkedIn post with a photo usually generates 50 percent more comments than posts without it. The LinkedIn post with video even achieves five times more engagement. If you decide to watch a live video, you even get 24 times the commitment.

What is a LinkedIn article? What do you write an article for?
You write LinkedIn articles for your company and your users. They contain great potential and help you to be more successful, and offer users added value in return. Due to this, the LinkedIn Pulse app was launched completely web-based at LinkedIn in 2015. This is a blog tool in which members’ posts are located.

How long should a LinkedIn article be?
People usually have little time, especially from a professional point of view. Therefore, you should summarize the information briefly and make it easy to read. Also use bullets and subheadings for your LinkedIn post. In addition, photos, graphics and videos. The paragraphs should contain everything important. Ideally, your LinkedIn articles contain 800 to 2,000 words.

How do LinkedIn stories work?
Your LinkedIn post in the form of stories is promising. This was also shown in the tests that the portal carried out. There are several features that you can use.

The stories on LinkedIn should not be longer than 20 seconds, the same goes for the short videos. This exceeds the length of the stories on Instagram by five seconds.

You can record your story with the mobile app. You can not only add photos, but also videos. The ability to create stories is an important element of the mobile app, and if you’re allowed to manage the business page, you can create stories for your company and post them publicly.

  • LinkedIn story tips
    If you want every LinkedIn post to be a successful story, you need to keep a few things in mind. We now want to give you some tips for your successful LinkedIn post.
  • Start your story exciting
    You should build up excitement right from the start to make your readers curious. That’s how they’re interested in it and want to know how your story will continue.
  • Create a voltage curve
    To prevent users from stopping reading in the middle of the story, you should create a tension curve. Continuously increase the voltage.
  • Stay focused on your business
    Focus on your business and only inform readers with such details. Don’t digress, stay factual and goal-oriented.
  • Offer added value to your viewers
    With every LinkedIn post, make sure you add value to your viewers. Spare them unimportant details that they don’t care about.
  • Take a strategic approach
    Your content and the message in the LinkedIn post should get a positive response. That’s why it should be created by someone who is well-versed in video and can communicate the company’s values and information well.
  • Complete your story with a call to action
    You should always end your story with a call-to-action to encourage readers to take action.

Your LinkedIn post should be filled with relevant content. This also applies to formats. This is much more promising.