Geschrieben am 27.01.2024
von Stanlay Forker

Would you like to build up a professional network and make business contacts? Then you should create a LinkedIn profile! LinkedIn is a social network that specializes in the field of careers. Employees and employers from different companies can exchange ideas and establish contacts with each other. This allows you to build up your professional network, regardless of whether you are looking for a new job or want to exchange ideas with other people in the professional world. In our article, we'll show you how to create your LinkedIn profile and what you need to consider to make your profile attractive.

What does LinkedIn cost?
The standard version of a LinkedIn profile is basically free of charge. There is also a paid premium membership. This can be tested free of charge for one month so that you can get an overview of the benefits of premium membership.

In the best case, premium membership costs 14.95 EUR per month.

This package is only available for the price if you book your membership for a whole year. There is also the Premium Business Plus package, which costs 29.95 EUR per month. With this package, the user has several advantages through extensions compared to a free standard account.

Who is LinkedIn suitable for?
Anyone who wants to build up a professional network should create a LinkedIn profile. With a professional network, it is possible to communicate and build connections with people from a wide variety of professions and industries. It doesn’t matter whether you are an employee, employer, self-employed or freelancer. For example, if you’re looking for a job, you should create a LinkedIn profile to build connections that wouldn’t happen without a professional network. LinkedIn is the professional network used to establish international contacts, which is used by many hundreds of millions of members all over the world. Anyone who wants to create a LinkedIn profile will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with people from all over the world.

How do I set up a LinkedIn profile?
If you want to create a LinkedIn profile, you should follow a few rules of the game, because a good profile is a prerequisite for successful contacts.

If you want to create a LinkedIn profile, make sure you add a professional profile photo for your profile. The photo increases your credibility and the chance to be seen more often. If you want to create a LinkedIn profile, it’s important to add your knowledge and skills to your profile. Your knowledge can be confirmed by contacts, which increases the chance of good job offers. You should also add your work experience, education, or degrees so that visitors to your profile can recognize your qualifications.

What do I need for a LinkedIn profile?
If you want to create a LinkedIn profile, you need a comprehensive profile in addition to the above points (profile photo, education, work experience). Tell users of the platform who you are, what you stand for, what you can do and what your goals are. Anyone who wants to create a LinkedIn profile has a certain motivation behind it. Tell visitors to your profile what your motivation is to be active on this platform.

In addition, you should clearly put your skills and knowledge in the foreground. It’s best if you have something that sets you apart from the crowd. Many people want to create a LinkedIn profile. The competition is therefore high, so your profile should be all the more meaningful.

Can you see who was on my profile on LinkedIn?
Basically, the answer is yes. As long as the user who viewed your profile doesn’t anonymize themselves, you can see who was on your profile. This can be people with a profile photo or without a photo, or even completely anonymous profiles. If you want to view other people’s profiles, they can see your profile until you set private mode. With private mode, you can move anonymously across the entire platform. If you want to create a LinkedIn profile, you can choose whether you want to be visible to the public or not. If you don’t want everyone to see your profile with your data, you have the option to anonymize your profile.

Creating a LinkedIn profile — the most important elements
If you want to create a LinkedIn profile, you should always include these elements in your profile:

  • Photo
    Choose a professional photo and show yourself to other users
  • Headline
    Personalize your profile with a headline
  • Contact details
    dd ways to contact you to your profile.
  • Sector
    Show visitors to your profile which industry you work in.
  • Site
    Specifying your location is important for regional contacts.
  • Synopsis
    Here, visitors to your profile can see the most important facts about you in short form.
  • Professional experience
    Share with users what areas you’ve already worked in.
  • Knowledge and skills
    Highlight your qualifications.
  • Recommendations
    Recommendations from other users can increase your job opportunities.
  • Releases
    Publications can be specified as a further function (for example, written texts).

What is a profile slogan?
Anyone who wants to create a LinkedIn profile needs a suitable profile slogan. The slogan is filled out with your current position and your employer. The profile slogan stands out, so that it has an elementary meaning for your profile. The profile slogan is particularly important for recruiters and companies, because it shows your skills in a much shortened form at a glance.

Your profile slogan could look like this:

“Sales Manager | Sales Strategy Expert | Sales with brains”

If you want to create a LinkedIn profile, the profile slogan is crucial for your first impression of profile visitors. Creating a LinkedIn profile is important for your future professional career. The profile slogan helps you to make new contacts.

What should be included in the summary if I want to create a LinkedIn profile?
If you want to create a LinkedIn profile, let your creativity run wild in the summary. Write free texts and tell more about yourself and your profile slogan. Show your visitors who you are, what you do and what you want to achieve. The summary should show the most important information about you and make you interesting for recruiters. Use keywords to make it easier to find and get suitable suggestions. If you want to create a LinkedIn profile, make an effort to summarize it and make yourself interesting for other people. Try to stand out from the crowd.

How are account settings divided?
If you want to create a LinkedIn profile, you will find the following account settings in their profile:

  • Profile information
    Show information with the default account
  • Site settings
    Change language settings, feed display, display of photos and videos.
  • Synchronization options
    Enable the simplification of networking.
  • Subscriptions and payments
    Displays transaction summary.
  • Account management
    Multiple accounts can be combined or closed.

Contact info section of your profile
If you want to create a LinkedIn profile, add your contact information so they can reach you. You can find these in the introduction area of your profile.

You should include the following information in your contact area:

  • Direct link to your LinkedIn profile
  • email address
  • telephone number
  • webpage
  • Instant messenger accounts
  • Your birthday

This contact information can be changed at any time, and some of this information is only visible to your contacts.

Anyone who creates a LinkedIn profile has a few important points to consider. All of the above in this article must be met to stand out from the crowd. Therefore, take the time to create your LinkedIn profile to create an appealing public impression.