Geschrieben am 12.12.2022
von Stanlay Forker

The target group is the linchpin of every marketing strategy. Without an accurate picture of your desired customers, you're just poking in the dark and wasting your time. You can't do targeted marketing, create the right products and services, or set up a content marketing strategy. To prevent this from happening to you, today's challenge will show you strategies and ways to precisely define your target group and get to know them better. As this article progresses, we will also talk about why target group definition is also indispensable for your content marketing.

What is that actually, a target group?
Totality of all potential people who are to be addressed with a specific marketing activity. It’s always the desire to reach out to people with your offers and services, to persuade them to make a purchase or a booking. The marketing aspect therefore always plays a big role and should not be lost sight of. After all, you want to work profitably and be able to help your desired customers, even in this way you can name a target group.

But why is the topic of target audience so important, you might be wondering now. Why should I focus on a specific group of people — why can’t I just reach out to everyone?

Good point!

Let’s just show you why that’s not such a good idea.

Why it’s so important to define a target group
I’m sure you know these stores that have everything. The cleaner is right next to the anti-migraine remedy. Everything is crisscross and seemingly without any order. It’s a loveless mess. Would you buy with a clear conscience in a shop like this where you just have everything, for example, if you need something for your cold? Or would you rather go to a pharmacy or a well-stocked drugstore, where, in the best case, you will also receive competent advice?

That’s right, in such a case, you need a specialist.
And this is the crux of the matter. When you offer anything, you quickly look like a general store. You will hardly be told that you have the solution to a specific problem. And by you, I don’t mean just anyone here, but exactly the customers you want to address. The people whose problems you should be on your screen and whose language you speak. Your desired customers.

But you can only do it all if you have a clear idea of which people you want to address. Only then can you think of a suitable approach and put together tailor-made packages or services that are precisely tailored to your target group. Then marketing is fun and effective.

In today’s challenge, you’ll also learn how to create such a clearly defined target group. And how to align your content with the right content marketing.

Does that sound good?

Then let’s get started!

Let’s start with the specific characteristics that make your target audience stand out.

The characteristics of your target group

To understand how your target audience ticks as accurately as possible, you need to put yourself in the shoes of them. To do that, you can first identify the most important features. Classic criteria include demographic and socio-economic aspects such as:

  • the gender
  • the age
  • the place of residence
  • marital status
  • Education and profession
  • status and position (are you dealing with academics or untrained people?)
  • income If you move more in the B2B sector, other factors such as legal form, industry,
  • Liquidity and company size play an important role.

Once you’ve clarified these points for yourself, you’re already a big step forward!

Now it’s time to get even closer to your desired customers. You can do that by devoting yourself to psychographic traits. This includes:

  • interests
  • Attitudes and opinions
  • preferences
  • Challenges and problems
  • Wishes and needs
  • Buying behavior
  • Price orientation and willingness to

To track down these characteristics of your target group, simply ask yourself the following questions and answer them as best as possible. It’s best to write them down and write down your answers right below. Then you’ll have everything black on white and can quickly fall back to it or make changes if you need to.

  • What are the interests of my target group?
  • What do they need most?
  • Where does the shoe squeeze you?
  • What motivates them?
  • Which language do they speak, which expressions and terms do they use?
  • How much money are my desired customers willing to spend?

Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal customer so that you understand him/her as much as possible. Try to put yourself in his/her emotional worlds and sensitivities as well:

  • What does your ideal customer feel and think when they buy your product, your offer?
  • What are the strongest emotions in this?
  • What do you make possible for your clients with your offer?”

Have you gone through and answered all questions?

Or are you still missing information about your target group?

If that’s the case and you’re now wondering where to get all this information about your target audience, let’s show you a few simple strategies:

This is how you get to know your target group better

A simple way to get to know your target group better is to “spy on” them on various social media channels or blogs. For example, on Twitter, you can enter hashtags that fit your business and take a closer look at the corresponding posts. What do people write about the hashtag, what language do they use, what are their problems? You can investigate these questions and align your content with them.

Get social!

Join relevant Facebook groups that deal with your topic. To find them, you can easily use the Facebook search function.

Social media offers you various effective ways to get to know your target group better and align your marketing strategy with it.