Geschrieben am 22.12.2022
von Stanlay Forker

Would you like to find out more about LinkedIn groups? Then you're in the right place. In the guide, you'll learn how to find the right groups and which LinkedIn groups are important to users. We also explain the difference between non-public and public groups. We also list how you can create groups on LinkedIn and what you need to consider. Read how you as an entrepreneur can use the groups for you and what content is posted in the feed. We also explain the group rules and why you should take them seriously, as well as delete LinkedIn groups. In conclusion, we'll tell you whether the effort for entrepreneurs is worth it.

LinkedIn groups — find the perfect LinkedIn group
You can not only create on Facebook and other social groups, but also on LinkedIn. Your LinkedIn groups give you the opportunity to network and communicate with other experts. LinkedIn groups can also be perfectly integrated into your website. You also have the opportunity to use LinkedIn groups of other entrepreneurs. Groups that are relevant to you are displayed for this purpose. There you can exchange ideas with other experts. LinkedIn groups offer you the opportunity to present your company in a modern and active way to the outside world. Convince others of your know-how and expertise.

LinkedIn has groups that are interesting for leading entrepreneurs and site administrators. These relevant LinkedIn groups include small business and independent consultant network, LinkedIn small business innovators as well as entrepreneur and small business forum.

Are there differences between non-public and public LinkedIn groups?
In general, LinkedIn is a portal that is used by working people to network with each other. You benefit from mutual insights, make new contacts or receive tips on request. There are now two types of groups on LinkedIn, namely non-public and public LinkedIn groups.

The non-public LinkedIn groups are not displayed in the search results of users who do not belong to them. Likewise, users who are not visible in the profiles. However, it is possible to allow other people access via a link or invitation from the group manager.

Public LinkedIn groups are always displayed in search results. If you’re a member of a public LinkedIn group, membership for other members can be seen on your profile.

Is it possible to set up LinkedIn groups and what else is important?
Click Groups in the menu navigation. Now a sidebar appears where you select the item Groups. Then a new page will open. This is where you can create your new LinkedIn groups. To do this, click on the item “Create group”. Now it’s time to enter your data. You don’t necessarily have to fill in everything, but we recommend that you fill out the required fields. Provide profile callers with as much information as possible. You also have the option to set your group rules there. Enter everything that is important to you for the LinkedIn groups there. Your cover photo will be displayed in 1,774 x 444 pixels format. Your profile picture will be displayed in the usual, i.e. square shape with 1,080 x 1,080 pixels.

Now you choose how you want your LinkedIn groups to be displayed. You can’t display it publicly or publicly. If it is not intended to be public, no one can find it using the search function. Then you assign the permissions. Set whether your group members should invite others on their own. You can also determine whether you must allow others’ contributions first or whether they can go online immediately. There are no guidelines you need to follow when choosing these criteria, but you should choose settings carefully as they affect how others appear. Now click on the last item, which is “Create”. No more is necessary. From now on, you are the admin of your LinkedIn groups.

How do I use LinkedIn groups as a company?
If you’re familiar with your target audience, you can search for specific LinkedIn groups where you suspect that exact target group. This gives you the opportunity to talk to these users. However, be aware that you’re not clumsy about promoting your company. Most people don’t like that. It is also possible that it is prohibited under the group rules. If you want to use LinkedIn groups for advertising, you should do so in an empathetic way. Make important content available there and also comment on other posts. You should only tell in passing what other people are benefiting from your offer.

With regard to group rules, you can imagine that the same ones are applied here as in the traditional feed. With LinkedIn groups, however, you have additional opportunities to present your company and address your target group. In addition, LinkedIn groups are beneficial for you because you can train yourself through them.

What content will post to the LinkedIn group feed?
If you want to post something to your LinkedIn groups, think about what you want to talk to members about. After all, the content should benefit you or your company. Use them to awaken members’ interest in relevant content.

There are also many other ways to present your content in the best possible way in the feed of your LinkedIn groups. For example, use applause as an opportunity to get in touch with a member or search for a specific expert. You can integrate new profiles or offer help to people in your target group when it’s needed.

Always follow the rules of the LinkedIn groups
In virtually all LinkedIn groups, there are rules that must be followed by members. They will be shown to you before you become a member. In most cases, these rules include banning spam or using the LinkedIn groups exclusively for advertising. We don’t advise you to join groups that don’t have any rules at all. This suggests that hardly any administrator cares about these groups. That’s probably why you won’t be able to use high-quality content there. We therefore recommend that you familiarize yourself well with the group rules in advance and comply with them. There are LinkedIn groups with a long litany of group rules, but there are also those with shorter ones. You should adjust which rules apply to your groups accordingly. The larger a group is, the more detailed your rules should be. If you’re not sure which rules you should use, you can look at the various other LinkedIn groups to orient yourself on them. This at least gives you a better insight.

Delete LinkedIn groups when they are no longer needed
There are many reasons why you might want to delete a LinkedIn group. If that’s the case, you can do it quickly and easily. Go to the desired group you want to delete and go to Edit. Now you have to click on the “Delete this group” tab located in the lower left area. After your confirmation click, the group no longer exists.

Conclusion: Is creating LinkedIn groups profitable for you as an entrepreneur?
LinkedIn has been one of the most successful portals for professionals for quite some time now. In total, more than 500 million members are taking advantage of the opportunities there. Of these, about fourteen million people are in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Users there don’t just meet on a professional basis, because there are many ways to present your company in a positive way and share relevant content. This is also the reason why it pays off for entrepreneurs to create their own LinkedIn groups and ensure a professional corporate identity. Target your target group and increase the success of your company.