Online platforms are becoming increasingly important in modern job searches. Many employees therefore maintain a personal profile on portals such as LinkedIn. With this, you want to draw attention to yourself and give interested parties the most positive initial impression possible. Image and video files in particular are becoming the focus of attention. Certain requirements for the LinkedIn post format must always be observed. Companies can also present themselves to potential employees on LinkedIn and arouse their interest. However, to create an optimal look, you need to consider the LinkedIn post format for your images and videos. You can find out which formats exist and when which guidelines must be observed here.
What post formats are there on Linkedln?
Depending on whether you want to post a photo or a video, there are different requirements for the LinkedIn post format.
1. Requirements for own pictures:
The optimal ratio for your own images on LinkedIn is 1.91:1, which is 1200 x 627 pixels. Images that do not match the optimal LinkedIn post format are usually still displayed in full. However, your image will appear with a white border. The image width should be more than 200 pixels in any case. Otherwise, the image will not fit into the LinkedIn Post format and will only appear as a thumbnail.
2. Video Requirements:
You also need to adhere to a specific LinkedIn post format for your videos. Supported file types for the LinkedIn Post format are AAC, ASF, FLV, and MP3. MP4, MPEG-1, MPEG-4, MKV, WebM, and H264/AVC are also supported. It also includes Vorbis, VP9, WMV2, VP8, and WMV3. Other file formats, such as AVI, QuickTime, and MOV, are not supported by the LinkedIn Post format and therefore cannot be published.
In addition, the LinkedIn post format for videos defines further requirements. Your video must be between 3 seconds and 10 minutes long. In addition, the video file must not be smaller than 75 KB or larger than 5 GB. You also need to stick to the LinkedIn post format for resolution (256 x 144 to 4096 x 2304), aspect ratio (1:2.4 to 2.4:1), frame rate (10 to 60 frames per second), and bit rate (192 kbps to 30 Mbps).
Which image format for LinkedIn?
There are many different images on LinkedIn with a different LinkedIn post format. The first visible picture and therefore an absolute figurehead is your profile picture. To comply with the LinkedIn post format, the image must meet a minimum size of 200 x 200 pixels. The optimal profile picture size is 400 x 400 pixels. Also keep in mind that high-quality images always make a serious impression. High-resolution images are therefore better suited. However, the image file of your profile picture must not be larger than 8 MB. Unfortunately, if your image does not match the specified LinkedIn Post format, you cannot upload it.
The second image and thus the second LinkedIn Post format on every personal profile page is the title or background image. This appears at the top of the profile page and offers the opportunity to support the first, positive impression of your profile a little bit. The LinkedIn Post format for the cover photo of a personal profile is 1584 x 396 pixels. In addition, the image file must not exceed 4 MB. In addition, when choosing your cover photo, you should keep in mind that it is partially overlaid by your profile picture. Important details should therefore be placed appropriately.
In addition to the profile picture and cover photo, another LinkedIn post format can be important. By uploading videos, there is a third way to make your personal profile more interesting with the use of media. The LinkedIn post format in terms of file size, file format, video length, and resolution according to the requirements for videos on LinkedIn defined in the previous paragraph. In addition to the LinkedIn post format, you should also pay attention to other aspects for a successful video. The content of the video is just as important as the environment and structure of the video itself. Just because a video can be 10 minutes long, according to LinkedIn Post Format, does not necessarily mean that it is necessary. Videos of 30 to 90 seconds, in which the important aspects are brought to the point in a short and crisp manner, often arouse more interest than unnecessarily long videos.
Company profile format on LinkedIn
In addition to personal profiles, there are also company profiles on LinkedIn. These also have their own profile pictures. The LinkedIn post format for the profile picture is 300 x 300 pixels. The image is displayed in a square format. Typically, a company’s profile picture shows either the brand or the company logo. This immediately ensures a high recognition value. It is therefore particularly important to adhere to the LinkedIn post format. The company profile image is displayed when the corresponding company is found with a search query.
If you want to further strengthen your business on LinkedIn, you can think about a premium membership. With such a way, you increase the advertising factor for your company immensely. In addition, you can search for people yourself and view their profiles without restriction. It is also possible to contact any member directly by email. These factors offer a great advantage in recruitment. A cover photo also adorns your company’s profile page. With a LinkedIn post format of 1536 x 768 pixels, it is slightly larger than the cover image of a personal profile and therefore offers the opportunity to further strengthen the company brand. However, the company’s headline image is also partly covered by the profile picture. The cover image is also slightly smaller in the desktop view. The LinkedIn post format there is about 1128 x 191 pixels.
Image format for status updates
One way to make your profile alive is the status updates. Similar to other social media platforms, you can publish texts or images here. And so that other members can share in your experiences. Of course, a specific LinkedIn post format is also intended for this purpose. Images in the size of 1200 x 627 pixels are suitable for your status updates. Other formats, or even portrait images, do not correspond to the LinkedIn Post format and may appear cropped.
Image format for blog articles
In addition to status updates, blog articles are another way to use LinkedIn’s social media functions. Share your experiences and experiences with other users by sharing them on a blog. However, a good blog article does not only live off its text, but also on posted images. When choosing a suitable image, you should pay attention not only to the image, but also the LinkedIn post format. 744 x 400 pixels is the default size. In addition, your image file must not be larger than 10MB. The file format also plays an important role. Only JPG, PNG, and static GIF meet the requirements for the LinkedIn post format.
As a private individual as well as your company, LinkedIn offers you a variety of opportunities to generate attention. The LinkedIn post format plays an important role in this. Visualization with the help of images and videos is a stylistic device. However, a specific LinkedIn post format must be observed for each purpose. If you want to present yourself or your company in the best possible way, you should definitely stick to the appropriate LinkedIn post format. If you do, nothing stands in the way of your success.